Publications hackers
B. Dupont and J. Lusthaus (2021), Countering distrust in illicit online networks: the dispute resolution strategies of cybercriminals, Social Science Computer Review, DOI: 10.1177/0894439321994623.
T. Holt, and B. Dupont (2018), Exploring the factors associated with rejection from a closed cybercrime community, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, DOI: 10.1177/0306624X18811101.
B. Dupont, A.-M. Côté, J.-I. Boutin, and J. Fernandez (2017), Darkode: Recruitment patterns and transactional features of “the most dangerous cybercrime forum in the world”, American Behavioral Scientist, 61 (11), 1219-1243.
B. Dupont, (2016), Les liens faibles du crime en ligne: écologie de la méfiance au sein de deux communautés de hackers malveillants, Réseaux, (197-198), 109-136.
Dupont, B., Côté, A.-M., Savine, C. and D. Décary-Hétu (2016), The ecology of trust among hackers, Global Crime, DOI: 10.1080/17440572.2016.1157480.